Clarkston Bible Institute Statement of Faith
- The Scriptures
We believe the Bible is God’s revelation to people and is the final authority for faith and life.
- The Godhead (Trinity)
We believe in one true God eternally existing in three distinct persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
- God the Father
We believe that God the Father is the eternal, unchanging, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-wise, all-loving, completely just and perfectly holy, sovereign Ruler and Sustainer of the universe.
- God the Son
We believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten eternal Son of God Who became flesh to reveal God to man, and to become the Savior of the lost world. Jesus was miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit; born of the Virgin Mary; lived a sinless life; died on the cross as the Substitutionary, all-sufficient atoning sacrifice for all of the sins of all men of all time; was buried; bodily rose from the dead; appeared to more than 500 in His glorified body; physically ascended into heaven in His glorified, resurrected body; is seated at the right hand of the Father performing His ministry of intercession; will return in the air to claim His bride the Church; and will come again.
- God the Holy Spirit
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit who convicts of sin and enables the Christian to pursue a life characterized by personal holiness and faithful discipleship in obedience to Jesus Christ.
- Man
We believe that man was created in the image of God. Man was created to glorify God, worship and serve Him, and have fellowship with Him. Man fell through sin by disobeying God. This led to both physical and spiritual death. Now man is totally incapable of saving himself and must rely on God for salvation.
- Satan
We believe that Satan is a personal instigator of evil. He tries to tempt, accuse, attack and destroy believers, but his work is defeated at the cross.
- Salvation
We believe that the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross provides the sole basis for forgiveness of sins and salvation, which is the free gift of God’s grace. A person is saved by placing his faith in the finished work of Christ. Repentance is a turning toward God and away from sin. “The Gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” and those who receive Jesus Christ by faith are born again, have their sins forgiven, become children of God, are a new creation in Christ, and “are sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption”, being kept by the power of God.
- The Christian Life
We believe that every Christian should live for Christ and not for himself and should, by the power of the indwelling Spirit, allow Christ to manifest His life through him to God’s glory. By ever increasing obedience to the Word of God, each believer should mature and progressively become more like Jesus. In the power of the Spirit, each believer should live a holy life; not fulfill the lusts of the flesh; exercise his spiritual gifts to build up the body of Christ; witness for Christ; be personally involved in making disciples to fulfill the great commission; perform good works; and bear fruit to the glory of God.
- The Church
We believe that the Church is the body of Christ of which Jesus is the Head and whose members are those who have truly received Christ by faith and are united by Christ in the same Spirit. The purpose of the Church is to make Christ known to lost men, to make disciples, and glorify God on earth.
- The Lord’s Supper and Baptism
We believe that water baptism is an act of obedience which pictures the believer’s death to sin, burial of the old life, and resurrection to new life. The Lord’s Supper celebrates fellowship and communion with Christ, symbolically commemorates His death, and anticipates His second coming.
- Eternal Destiny of Men
We believe in the resurrection of all people, those who are saved unto the resurrection of everlasting blessedness with the Lord, and those who are lost to eternal separation from God. We believe that, in the fullness of time, God will bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, the Lord Jesus Christ.
This statement is based on the Bible Training Centre for Pastors statement of faith.